jeudi 31 mars 2011

What is art ?

        A lot of people all over the world are considered as artist, but they have different culture different nationality different artwork on many subjects. But the question is when can we consider their work as an art ? I think that art can be anything when it create a feeling.

     When something is create by a very hard and long work, it can be an artwork because it bring to the spectator a feeling of pain and we can't imagine the time needed, for example the pyramids of giza :

       Contemporary art is also an art because those artists are creating new thing, which nobody had never thing about :

         Some kind of music are also not consider to be art, I could take the example of "You suffer" from Napalm Death, it's the shortest song and the shortest clip of all time :

but this song (because it is one) composed by Danny Herrera the drummer of the band, is a all new thing and in the lyrics and the way they're playing it they bring to the spectator some a lot a emotions and it describe perfectly the simplicity of suffering. 

    So art is not just the result of a work link a beautiful painting or sculpture it's more the artwork but particularly the idea behind the result of the work.

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